Based on Arnold Lobel's well-loved books, and featuring a hummable score by Robert and Willie Reale, this whimsical show follows two great friends – the cheerful, popular Frog and the rather grumpy Toad – through four fun-filled seasons.
Waking from hibernation in the Spring, Frog and Toad plant gardens, swim, rake leaves, go sledding and learn life lessons along the way. The two best friends celebrate and rejoice in the differences that make them unique and special. Part vaudeville, part make believe... all charm, A Year with Frog and Toad tells the story of a friendship that endures throughout the seasons.
The jazzy, upbeat score of A Year with Frog and Toad bubbles with melody and wit, making it an inventive, exuberant and enchanting musical for the whole family.
The Irvin L. Young Auditorium boasts a unique design with a graciously appointed chamber housing approximately 1,340 seats. Through innovative lighting and architectural arrangements, the auditorium achieves a sense of warmth and intimacy despite its size. Its clean lines and uncluttered space create an inviting performing environment, with a 46’ proscenium opening revealing a spacious stage spanning over 4,000 sq. ft.
Missoula Children’s Theatre is the nation’s largest touring children’s theatre, touring extensively for more than 40 years, performing all over the world.
Based on Arnold Lobel's well-loved books, and featuring a hummable score by Robert and Willie Reale, this whimsical show follows two great friends – the cheerful, popular Frog and the rather grumpy Toad – through four fun-filled seasons.
With a career spanning over three decades, Brickman has become a household name in the world of contemporary music. His signature style, blending pop and classical influences, has garnered him numerous accolades and a dedicated fan base. Now, fans will have the opportunity to experience his iconic hits in a whole new way.